Support our mission
There are several ways you can donate or support us:

Monetary Donations:
You can make a monetary donation to Arogya Purti Foundation. These funds will be utilized to further our healthcare initiatives, support underprivileged individuals, procure medical resources, and expand our reach. You can visit our website or contact our foundation for information on how to donate.

Sponsorship and Partnerships:
If you represent an organization or business, you can explore sponsorship opportunities or form partnerships with Arogya Purti Foundation. By partnering with us, you can support our initiatives financially or contribute resources, expertise, or services that align with our goals.

In-Kind Donations:
Apart from monetary contributions, you can also consider donating in-kind resources such as medical equipment, medicines, healthcare supplies, or other relevant items. These donations can directly benefit underprivileged individuals and communities in need.
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The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless. Spread sunshine in their lives no matter what the weather may be.